Doc Conversion API Features

Convert Microsoft Word Documents

Interconvert Word, DOC, DOCX, ODT, RTF and TXT files and also convert to PDF, Images, HTML and SVG

Convert Microsoft Excel Documents

Interconvert Excel, XLS, XLSX, CSV and ODS files and also convert to PDF, Images and HTML

Convert Microsoft PowerPoint Documents

Interconvert PowerPoint, PPT, PPTX and ODP files and also convert to PDF, Images, HTML and SVG

Convert PDF Files

Interconvert PDF files to its many variants or to DOC, DOCX, TIFF and PNG.

Convert Image Formats

Interconvert JPG, PNG, BMP and TIFF files and also convert images to PDF

Convert HTML Files

HTML files rendered to PDF, DOC or images for use in your own applications.

Resize Image Conversions

Resize your image conversions, use them for thumbnails or previews in your apps.

Document Orientation

Choose landscape or portrait options for Excel and PowerPoint files

PDF Output Types

Output your PDF files as "1a", "1b" or the default which is PDF 1.5

Fit To Page

Use Fit to Page to make sure you get all your content on one page.

Extract Specific Pages or Ranges

Only need the first page of the doc converted?, no problem, we support a range of page output options.

Auto-Size Excel columns and Show Borders

Make your Excel to HTML exports look great by adding some basic and sensible styling.

Bring your own storage

Use AWS or Azure storage to store your processed files.

Logs and Usage Overview

Our web app lets you review your usage, plan your quota and review your logs.

Need something we don't have?

We build our products based off of your needs and feedback, request any new features by contacting us.

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